Conversations with God

Me: Ok, so what happened in Sodom? Did you smite them with your laser beams? 
God: No I didn't smite them with my laser beams. What is it like? 
Me: It feels like a god! 
God: Smite them with my laser beams feels like a god? What else feels like that? 
Me: Fucking sheep 
God: Are you a student? 
 Me: No, I am a grandmother
God: Good news: you are a grandmother. What is your profession? 
 Me: I am a doctor in a mental hospital 
God: Great. 
 You are a doctor in a mental hospital? How do you like your work? 
 Me: Raw and covered with feces 
God: What kind of fashion do you like? 
Me: Naked and oiled 
God: You talk like a man...


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